Events - 2012
Orientation Program
An orientation program for the MBA First year students was organized on August 3-4, 2012 to acquaint them with the ABIMS way of life and make them familiar with the Institute's Vision and Mission besides the Code of Conduct of the University and the Institute.
Milan-Sitaron ka Istaqbal
Students of MBA Final year organized Milan 2012 - an interactive session for the MBA First year students on September 8, 2012. 'Milan 2012' provided a pedestal for healthy interaction between the first and final year students.
Freshers’ Party
MBA Final year students extended a warm welcome to their juniors by organizing a Freshers' Party on October 13, 2012 under the name Sehr-e-Nau. The event was filled with fun and gaiety with electrifying performances pouring in like mimicry, singing and skits by the students.
Establishment of Voter ID Card Registration Center
A Voter ID Card Registration Center was established in Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies on October 19, 2012.
An Intra-Institute Management Fest was organized on November 19-21, 2012. There were a slew of activities like General Quiz (November 19, 2012), Turn-Quotes (November 19, 2012), Story Telling, Whatever U Say (November 20, 2012), Ad-Mad Show (November 21, 2012) and Multiple Uses of the Product (November21, 2012). All the students participated enthusiastically in it.