The library aims at providing timely, reliable and comprehensive information on the contemporary and topical sphere pertaining to multifarious aspects of management. The library of Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies is the first fully automated digital library in Aligarh, using barcode technology to issue and return books with the help of 'Koha' library software. Library provides membership to all students and staff members of ABIMS. The library also provides book bank facility for the students in tandem with Inter-library loan facility to its users.
The Institute Library provides the following services:
5-Inter Library Loan
The library has rich collection of books of Indian as well as foreign authors. It has subscription of good number of journals & magazines like Vision (MDI Gurgaon), Economic and Political Weekly, etc. The library maintains C.D. records and is aiming at starting digital library on GSDL or on D- SPACE. Along with it, the library has subcription to five online journals of SAGE Publication, which are related to the field of Management.
The library is subscribing to a large number of general as well as financial daily newspapers.