Events - 2013
Visit of Prof. Gordon Campbell
Prof. Gordon Campbell, University of Leicester, UK visited Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies on February 6, 2013. He interacted with the faculty members and also delivered a lecture on 'The Contemporary Educational Practices'. He also released the 8th issue of Al-Barkaat Journal of Finance & Management. On this occasion Dr. Ahmad Mujtaba Siddiqui, Joint Secretary, ABES; Dr. F.U. Siddiqui, Coordinator, ABEIs; Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, ABIMS along with faculty members were present.
Visit of Lt. General (Retd.) Zameer Uddin Shah, V.C., AMU
Lt. Gen. Zameer Uddin Shah, Vice-Chancellor, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh visited Al-Barkaat campus on February 10, 2013 to lay the foundation stone of Al-Barkaat Institute of Education. His wife Mrs. Sabiha Simi Shah inaugurated the Convention Hall at ABIMS. On this occasion, the Vice-Chancellor praised the contribution of Al-Barkaat Educational Society in the field of education and expressed hope that it continues with its relentless efforts in the field of education in future as well. The august gathering included Prof. S.M. Amin, President, ABES; Dr. Ahmad Mujtaba Siddiqui, Joint Secretary, ABES; Dr. F.U. Siddiqui, Coordinator, ABEIs; Heads of Institutions, ABEIs; along with the faculty members.
Al-Barkaat Educational Institutions organized Paigham-e-Barkaat - A literary and cultural program dedicated to the age old customs & traditions of Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb at Muktakash, Exhibition Ground, Aligarh on February 16, 2013. The program was inaugurated by Mr. Dhirendra Sachan, ADM City, Aligarh .The Chief Guest and Guest of Honor were Dr. M.I. Khan, social activist and Mr. Vishnu Kumar, President, Manav Upkar Sansthan, respectively. Students of Al-Barkaat enthralled the gathering with their energetic performance. The program was presided over by Dr. F.U. Siddiqui, Coordinator, ABEIs.
A two day Inter-Collegiate Literary and Cultural Fest was organized on March 8 & 9, 2013. The first day featured events like Essay Writing Competition, Debate & Ad-mad Show. Minute to Fame, GenBiz and Ghazal & Singing Competition were held on the second day. The fest saw lively participation from students of Al-Barkaat & other participating institutions like Aligarh Muslim University, Mangalayatan University, Vivekananda College of Technology & Management, ACN College of Engineering & Management Studies, Institute of Information & Management Technology, Institute of Technology & Management etc. Students of ABIMS came out with flying colors during the fest. The prize distribution ceremony was held on March 11, 2013. The Chief Guest and Guest of Honor were Brigadier (Retd.) S. Ahmad Ali, Pro Vice-Chancellor, AMU and Prof. Javaid Akhtar, ex-Dean, Faculty of Management Studies & Research, AMU, respectively. The skit & nazm presented by ABIMS students were much appreciated by the audience. Prof. S.M. Amin, President ABES; Dr. Ahmad Mujtaba Siddiqui, Joint Secretary ABES; Dr. F.U. Siddiqui, Coordinator, ABEIs; Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, ABIMS; Heads of Institutions, ABEIs; other dignitaries & guests also graced the occasion.
Workshop on Finance
A one day workshop on ‘Financial Planning for Young Investors’ was conducted in ABIMS on March 16, 2013 by Mr. Akeel-ur-Rehman, a certified financial education trainer of SEBI. Mr. Rehman explained to the MBA Final and First year students about the need for systematic financial planning and the intricacies involved therein. Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, ABIMS along with the faculty members was present on the occasion.
Workshop on RTI
A workshop on “RTI: A Tool for Good Governance and How to use RTI Effectively” was conducted by Mr. Abdul Hafiz Gandhi, ex-President, Aligarh Muslim University Students' Union on March 25, 2013 for MBA Final & First year students under the aegis of Charcha Foundation, New Delhi. Mr. Gandhi elucidated the nuances of RTI and how it had become an effective tool in the hands of the common man. He also answered questions from the students. Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, ABIMS along with the faculty members was present on this occasion. Students from several institutes in and outside Aligarh also participated in the workshop.
Fun Club Activities
Students of MBA Final & First year organized a three day event under the aegis of Fun Club on April 3, 4 & 6, 2013. Various activities and games like Antakshari, Carom and Chess were held. The winners were awarded prizes by Fun Club.
Visit to Dainik Jagran
As a part of industry-academia interface, students of MBA Final & First year visited Aligarh Unit Office of the Dainik Jagran newspaper on April 13, 2013. The students acquired invaluable knowledge about the various processes of news gathering and newspaper publishing. They were accompanied by three Faculty members.
Farewell party under the name ‘Shaam-e-Tarab’ was organized by the MBA First year students for the Final year on April 25, 2013. It was a fun filled evening with exciting performances like mimicry, singing and skits by the students which lifted the mood of the evening. Mr. Mohd. Zuhaib Khan and Ms. Pooja Varshney were adjudged Mr. Farewell and Ms. Farewell respectively. Mr. Adnan Ahmed and Ms. Mehvish Khan were awarded the titles of Mr. Evening and Ms. Evening respectively. The program was followed by a sumptuous and scrumptious dinner. Dr. Ahmad Mujtaba Siddiqui, Joint Secretary, ABES; Dr. F.U. Siddiqui, Coordinator, ABEIs; Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, ABIMS were also present along with the faculty members.
Workshop on Entrepreneurship Development
A workshop on Entrepreneurship Development was jointly conducted by Dr. Asif Ali Syed, a senior Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, AMU and Mr. T.S. Rajput, Deputy General Manager, National Small Scale Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC), Aligarh on April 27, 2013. Dr. Syed tried to ignite the fire of entrepreneurship among the students and encouraged them to look at it as a viable career option. Mr. Rajput gave the students valuable insights and narrated interesting anecdotes from the field of entrepreneurship. The students were enriched by their vast experience and knowledge. While welcoming the guests and addressing the students Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director encouraged them to see bigger dreams in life and make genuine efforts to fulfill them. On this occasion all the faculty members were also present.
Job Fair
ABIMS in association with New Search Group organized a Job Fair on May 5, 2013. Many companies like RJT, BP Incorporate, Astha Nursing, GSR Group, Hotel Regent, New Search Group, E-fusion, Hotel Palm Tree, CEC, Family Pure RO, 32nd Mile Stone, Roto Power, EFS Facilities Services participated in it. Many students were offered multiple offer letters from the companies that participated in Job Fair. This year about 90% of our students got finally placed with attractive packages in companies like Hotel Palm Tree, Vodafone, Genpact, E-Finanza Consulting, E-fusion, MSAI, Bharat Hume Pipes Pvt. Ltd., Aarkey Filters.
Alvidai Taqreeb
Farewell party “Alvidai Taqreeb” was organized by the BBA & BCA First year students for BBA & BCA Final year students on May 9, 2013. It was a fun filled event with exciting performances like mimicry, singing and skits by the students which lifted the mood of the day. Mr. Sadiq Ali Ansari and Ms. Amna Salim of BBA Final year were adjudged as Mr. Farewell and Ms. Farewell respectively. Mr. Saiyed Danish Shaukat, BCA Final year and Ms. Subia Khan, BBA Final year were awarded the titles of Mr. Dynamic and Ms. Dynamic respectively. The program was followed by a sumptuous and scrumptious lunch. Faculty members were also present on this occasion.
Orientation Program
An orientation program for the MBA First year students was organized on August 16-17, 2013 to acquaint them with the ABIMS way of life and make them familiar with the Institute's Vision and Mission besides the Code of Conduct of the University and the Institute. The orientation program also delineated the role of MBA in shaping the life of students. Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director along with the faculty members was present on this occasion. After a brief introduction of each faculty member to students, the Director addressed the students, advising them to focus on their studies, respect their teachers & seniors and give value to hard earned money of their parents, honoring their aspirations. The orientation program also familiarized students with different aspects of communication and entrepreneurship by way of power point presentations and audio – visual clips.
Milan 2013
Students of MBA Final year organized 'Milan 2013', an interactive session for the MBA First year students on September 2, 2013. Milan 2013 provided a pedestal for healthy interaction between the first and final year students. It was an ice breaking session to develop camaraderie between them. The program was conducted in the presence of faculty members.
Teachers' Day Celebrations
Students of MBA Final and First year celebrated Teachers' Day on September 5, 2013, the birthday of Shri S. Radhakrishnan, the second President of India and a renowned academic. On this occasion, Dr. Ahmad Mujtaba Siddiqui, Joint Secretary, Al-Barkaat Educational Society and Dr. F.U. Siddiqui, Coordinator, Al-Barkaat Educational Institutions appreciated the role of teachers and presented mementoes to them. Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, ABIMS praised the faculty for their role in shaping the lives of the students and emphasized the role of teacher in the life of a student. A cake was cut and the students conducted a special program for the faculty and hosted lunch for them. They also thanked them for their support and gave mementoes as token of love and respect. The Director and the faculty appreciated the efforts made by the students in making this day worth remembering.
Sapling Plantation Program
As a part of Fun Club Activities a sapling plantation program was organized by the members of Fun Club on September 14, 2013. The program aimed at increasing awareness and necessity of conservation of environment. As a part of this drive several saplings were planted in the Institute’s already lush green campus. On this occasion, the Director, ABIMS along with the faculty members was present.
MBA Final year students extended a warm welcome to their juniors by organizing a Freshers' Party on September 28, 2013 under the name Noor-e-Farouzan. With kind wishes dipped in lyrical ink, they compared the arrival of the Freshers with a whiff of fresh air. The event was filled with fun and gaiety with electrifying performances pouring in like mimicry, singing and skits by the students. Ms. Samreen Naaz and Mr. Fahad Afzal were adjudged Miss Fresher and Mr. Fresher respectively, while Ms. Samina Pasha was awarded the title of Miss Evening and Mr. Fauqul Bashar, Mr. Evening. On this occasion, Dr. Ahmad Mujtaba Siddiqui, Joint Secretary, ABES; Mr. Syed Muhammad Aman, Executive Member, ABES and Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, ABIMS honored the gathering with their presence.The program was followed by a sumptuous and scrumptious lunch.
Grooming Session for Female Students
Hindustan Unilever Ltd. (HUL) organized a grooming session for female students on September 30, 2013 in ABIMS. The representatives of the company highlighted the role grooming plays in everyday life especially the modern corporate world. Another point that was repeatedly emphasized by way of film clippings was the effect grooming or the lack of it can have on one’s career growth and advancement. At the end of the enlightening session, gift hampers were also distributed to the participants. The organization further plans to conduct a grooming session for male students as a sequel to this session.
Symposium on Wildlife Protection
Al-Barkaat Educational Society and District Administration, Aligarh organized a symposium on Wildlife Protection on October 7, 2013; the last day of Wildlife Protection Week celebration (October 1-7, 2013). Presiding over the session, District Magistrate, Aligarh, Mr. Rajeev Rautela shared interesting anecdotes with the students on his experience of the days spent in the hills and stressed on the need for wildlife conservation. He also informed that 150 wildlife awareness forums have been established in the villages around Aligarh by women. A.D.M. (City), Dr. Direndra Sachan was categorical that we will have to make efforts to understand the language of animals if we are serious about protecting them. The Chief Guest of the event, Prof. Afifullah Khan, Chairman, Department of Wildlife Sciences exhorted the youngsters to wholeheartedly take part in the development of the country and said this could not happen without adequate attention to the proper care of the wildlife. Dr. Ahmad Mujtaba Siddiqui, Joint Secretary, Al-Barkaat Educational Society said it was every citizen's duty to protect animals. He also assured all help in the conservation efforts at Shekha Lake to the District Administration. Dr. Faiza Abbasi, Assistant Professor, UGC Academic Staff College, Aligarh was of the view that mindless development without adequate care about the natural resources will only lead to more hardship. Environmentalist and President, Haritima Society, Mr. Subodh Nandan was felicitated on this occasion.Dr. F.U. Siddiqui, Coordinator, Al Barkaat Educational Institutions proposed the vote of thanks. Several experts and luminaries on the field were present on this occasion along with the heads of all Institutions of Al-Barkaat Educational Society.
Workshop on Entrepreneurship Development
A workshop on Entrepreneurship Development was conducted by Mr. T.S. Rajput, Deputy General Manager, National Small Scale Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC), Aligarh on October 12, 2013. Mr. Rajput tried to ignite the fire of entrepreneurship among the students and encouraged them to look at it as a viable career option. He gave the students valuable insights and narrated interesting anecdotes from the field of entrepreneurship. The students were enriched by his vast experience and knowledge. While welcoming the guest and addressing the students, Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director encouraged them to see bigger dreams in life and make genuine efforts to fulfill them. On this occasion all the faculty members were also present.
Summer Training Reports Presentations
Summer training reports presentations by MBA final year students were held from October 24-26, 2013. The students made lively and stimulating efforts while presenting their summer training reports. Each presentation was followed by a grueling question-answer session.
Guest Lecture on ‘Sustainable Development: Where Are We Heading To?’
Prof. Kazi F. Jalal, Professor at Harvard University, USA and Senior Consultant & Director, Boston Center for Development and Environment (BCDE) delivered a talk on 'Sustainable Development: Where Are We Heading To?’ on November 9, 2013. He is a versatile, dedicated and well recognized professional with rich work experience in the field of environment and sustainable development. It was an enriching and thought provoking lecture which greatly benefitted the audience. Present were Dr. F.U. Siddiqui, Coordinator, Al-Barkaat Educational Institutions; Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director ABIMS along with eminent guests, faculty members and students.
An excursion to Shimla was organized for the students of MBA Final year from November 21- 24, 2013. The trip gave them a welcome respite from the rigors of the academic routine. Three faculty members also accompanied the students on the tour.
Spark 2013
An Intra-Institute Management Fest Spark 2013 was organized on November 25-27, 2013. There were a slew of activities like Turn-Quotes (Winner: S.M. Jafar Husain; First Runner-up: Zabir Uddin Ahmad; Second Runner-up: Tooba Aijaz), Whatever U Say (Winning Team: Fauqul Bashar & Zabir Uddin Ahmad; Runners-up Team: Mohd. Shariq & S.M. Jafar Husain), General Quiz (Winning Team: Md. Taj Kalam & S.M. Jafar Husain; Runners-up Team: Yahia Ahmed Laskar & Zabir Uddin Ahmad), Story Telling (Winning Team: Mohd. Shariq & S.M. Jafar Husain), Multiple Uses of Product (Winner: Mohd. Shariq; Runner-up: S.M. Jafar Husain) and Ad-Mad Show (Winning Team: Mohd. Shariq, Shahrukh Khan, S.M. Jafar Husain & Subhana Rahim; Runners-up Team: Chandni Garg, Mohd. Zeeshan Siddiqui, Sana Hashmi, Shadma Zaheer & Tausif Khan). All the students participated enthusiastically in the event.
Orientation Program by IGNOU
An orientation program was conducted by Dr. A.K. Dimri, Regional Director, IGNOU & Dr. Ataur Rahman, Assistant Regional Director, IGNOU on December 7, 2013 for generating awareness about various certificate and diploma courses for enhancing professional competence. On this occasion, heads of all the institutions of Al-Barkaat Educational Society, teachers and students were present.