Guest Lectures
- Organized webinars on the Topic- “Union Budget 2021-22 & Its Sectoral Impact” on February 18, 2021 where Resource person was Prof. (Dr.) Mohd. Shamim, Deptt. of Commerce, AMU, Aligarh.
- Organized webinar on the Topic- ‘Impact of Covid- 19 on Human Rights Practices’ on December 10, 2020 where Resource person was Prof. (Dr.) I.C. Gupta Ex- Dean F/o Managements& Tourism, Devi Ahilya University, Indore, MP & Professor Emiritus, Oriental University, Indore, MP. It was open for teaching fraternity, research scholars and students.
- Organized webinar on the Topic- ‘Psyche of Student’s Motivational’ on November 28, 2020 where Resource Person was Dr. Gaurav Gill, Asstt. Professor & Counsellor, Amity College of Commerce and Finance, Noida, UP. It was open for teaching fraternity, research scholars and students.
- Organized webinar on the Topic- ‘Innovation is the Key: Building Career in Startups & Entrepreneurship during Pandemic’ on October 15, 2020 where Resource Persons were- Dr. Asif Ali Syed, Assoc. professor, Deptt. of Business Administration, AMU, Aligarh UP: Mr. Shrinath Paswan, Dy. Commissioner Industry/ Jt. Commissioner, District Industries Centre (DIC), Aligarh, UP and Mr. Raheel Ahmad, Business Partner (Entrepreneur), Engineering & Environmental Solutions, Aligarh, UP. It was open for teaching fraternity, research Scholars, students and aspiring entrepreneurs.
- Organized Webinar on the Topic- ‘Jobs & Challenges for MBA Students’ on October 10, 2020 for our MBA students where resource person was Mr. Saad hameed, TPO (Gen.), Amu, Aligarh.
- On 18th February, 2020 a seminar on 'Personal Wellness & Beauty' was conducted by LAKME Academy, Aligarh in Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies premises. The female faculty members and students from Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies, Al-Barkaat College of Graduate Studies and, Al-Barkaat Institute of Education enthusiastically participated in the interactive session headed by Ms. Hina Ansari, Head-Trainer and moderated by Ms. Ahuja, CEO. A party makeup demonstration was also given by the LAKME Academy team. Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, ABIMS delivered the vote of thanks.
- On October 19, 2019 a guest lecture was delivered on 'Essentials in Digital Marketing' by Mr. Arij Malik, Resource Person, Synergy Business Programme, CADD Centre, Aligarh; aiming to provide the students practical knowledge of the subject using its available software. The lecture covered diverse sub-topics like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Email Marketing, and Digital Marketing as a Career, Scope of Digital Marketing, and Salaries in Digital Marketing jobs etc. Mr. Ejaz Ahmad Khan, Centre Coordinator, was also present during the guest lecture and addressed to the students' queries after the session. MBA- first & final year and BBA-final year students attended the lecture along with the faculty members. Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, ABIMS, felicitated the guests.
- On October 12, 2019, celebrating October as the International month of Breast Cancer Awareness, two Cancer Awareness Lectures were organized in ABIMS. 'Cancer for All' was the theme of the first lecture in the series. Dr. Mohsin Raza delivered an interactive lecture highlighting types, causes and preventive measures to be undertaken pertaining to various types of cancers affecting general population. 'Breast Cancer Awareness among Indian Women' was the theme of the second lecture, wherein Dr. Mohsin Raza, Ms. Talat Javed and Ms. Adeeb spoke to the girl students and female teachers on the subject of breast cancer. The expert panel of doctors highlighted the vital importance of early detection of cancer. The sessions were attended by the students and faculty members of Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies (ABIMS), and Al-Barkaat Institute of Education (ABIE). Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, ABIMS welcomed and felicitated the guests with presentation of bouquet.
- On September 30, 2019 a guest lecture on 'Water Conservation & No to Plastic-Need of Hour' was delivered by Dr. Sheeba Jilani, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Zakir Hussain College of Engineering & Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. The lecture was enthusiastically attended by faculty members and students of Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies, Al-Barkaat Institute of Education, and Al-Barkaat College of Graduate Studies. In her lecture Dr. Sheeba urged that people should not waste water in their day to day life, and that simple step may help us conserve millions of gallons of water each day. She further emphasized reusing and recycling of water and least use of plastic to save environment. The guest speaker was introduced and felicitated by Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, ABIMS.
- On September 21, 2019 a guest lecture was delivered by Mr. Saad Hameed, TPO (General) of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh to our MBA & BBA students on the topic 'Career and Career Planning'. Mr. Faize Nabi, Head-CDC, ABIMS delivered welcome address. The Coordinator, ABEIs, Dr. F.U Siddiqui felicitated the guest with the presentation of a bouquet. During his session Mr. Hameed emphasized the importance of good domain knowledge, communicability in English, and a positive attitude as the success tools for job seekers. The session concluded with presentation of vote of thanks by Dr. F.U. Siddiqui.
- On August 31, 2019 a guest lecture on the subject 'Skills & Personality Development' was delivered by noted motivational speaker and leadership coach, Mr. Mirza Yawar Baig, Founder-Yawar Baig & Associates, Hyderabad. The guest lecture was enthusiastically attended by faculty members and students of Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies, Al-Barkaat Institute of Education, Al-Barkaat College of Graduate Studies, Al-Barkaat Islamic Research & Training Institute and, Al-Barkaat Syed Hamid Community College. The guest speaker was introduced by Dr. FU Siddiqui, Coordinator, ABEIs and felicitated by Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, ABIMS.
- On 23rd October 2018, A Guest Lecture was organized in ABIMS Convention Hall, wherein Mr. Ahmad Nadeem, Co-founder, FSN Consulting Services LLP delivered an informative lecture on “How to Face an Interview”. All the faculty members along with the students of MBA First and Final year were present during the session.
- On October 6, 2018, a Guest Lecture was delivered by an International Motivational Trainer-cum- Counselor and Founder President, Raabta Foundation, Pune (Maharashtra), Mr. Sayyed Saeed Ahmed on personality development on the theme "I am the Best-Design Your Own Future". The students of Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies (ABIMS), Al-Barkaat Institute of Education (ABIE) and Al-Barkaat College of Graduate Studies (ABCGS) along with faculty members enthusiastically attended the event. The Director, ABIMS, welcomed, felicitated and thanked the guest speaker.
- On March 15, 2018, Prof. Mohd. Shamim, Department of Commerce, A.M.U., delivered a highly informative talk on one of the most debatable and misunderstood topics “GST (Goods & Service Tax)" for MBA 1st & 2nd year students. The students enthusiastically attended the lecture.
- On February 28, 2018. Dr. Md. Amirullah Khan, Associate Professor, Department of English, A.M.U., delivered an engaging lecture on the topic “Teaching Oral Communication for Developing Managerial Skills” for MBA 1st & 2nd year students. on February 28, 2018. The Director, ABIMS welcomed and felicitated the guest.
- On October 31, 2017 Prof. M. Zafar Mahfooz Nomani, Faculty of Law, A.M.U., Aligarh delivered a lecture on 'My Vision-Corruption Free India' as a part of observance of Vigilance Awareness Week. The Director, ABIMS felicitated the guest speaker. All faculty members and students attended the lecture.
- On October 16, 2017 Mr. T.S. Rajput, Deputy General Manager, National Small Industries Corporation, Aligarh delivered a lecture on 'Entrepreneurs & Entrepreneurship Development' in Convention Hall, ABIMS. The Director, ABIMS felicitated the guest speaker. The lecture was enthusiastically attended by the students and faculty members.
- On April 15, 2017 Mr. Rizwanur Rahman, Formerly GM PFC & presently working as a top official in Min. of Power, GOI, New Delhi, delivered a talk on Project Management. He elaborated the various facets of Project Management; its theoretical foundations and practical aspects.
- On April 08, 2017 Dr. Gyandendra Mishra, President, Udaan Society, Aligarh, delivered a guest lecture on 'Role and Scope for Management Graduates in Social Sector'. An award winning documentary relating issues and challenges faced by social activists was also shown.
- On February 28, 2017 Dr. Aqeel Ahmad, SEBI Panelist, delivered a lecture on Financial Products and Investment Benefits . He motivated the students to start investing at an early stage of their life.
- On September 10, 2016 Mr. Farrukh Baig, Senior Business Partner with Life Skills Dynamics and Brain Labs, held an interactive session on “Managing Personality for Success”, Mr. Baig stressed that one should not be discouraged by the failures occurring during initial phases of career, rather focus must be on strength of character and courage to move on, at a not so distant corner awaits success. The session was attended by the students of MBA-I and III-semesters. The Director and all the faculty members were also present during the session. While welcoming the guest and addressing the students, director advised them to keep away the fear of failures as every success comes after failures.
- On October 28, 2015, a workshop and Guest Lecture on Entrepreneurship Development was conducted by Ms. S.M.S. Nalini, Chief General Manager, National Small Scale Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC), Aligarh. It was attended by faculty members & students.
- On October 13, 2015, a Guest Lecture was organized on "Accounting & Career Counseling in the Field of Accounts" by M/s Godani Bansal & Co . Mr. Mohit Bansal discussed the nuances of finance and accounting. Mr. Prabal Godani gave valuble tips to the students on resume building. On this occasion Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies, Aligarh, faculty members and students of MBA and BBA were present.
- On March 7, 2015, a lecture on Entrepreneurship Development was delivered by Mr. T.S. Rajput, Deputy General Manager, National Small Scale Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC), Aligarh. Mr. Rajput tried to ignite the fire of entrepreneurship among the students and encouraged them to look at it as a viable career option, which were attended by faculty members & students.
- Ms. Zoya Khan, HR Consultant, New Delhi delivered a lecture on "Enhancement of skills and job prospects for fresh MBA Graduates". She emphasized the importance of communication skills and skill development in today's competitive business world. Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, Al Barkaat Institute of Management Studies, faculty members and students were present.
- Dr. Arshi Khan, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Aligarh Muslim University delivered a lecture on the topic "Understanding Islam in the light of modern scholars" which was attended by faculty members & students.
- On December 18, 2014, Dr. Arshi Khan & Dr. M. Mohibul Haque, Department of Political Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh delivered lectures on ‘International Minorities Rights Day' which were attended by faculty members & students.
- On October 28, 2014, Mr. Neeraj Joshi, VP-HR and Mr. Faiz Ahmad, DGM-Marketing, The Chopras: Global Education, New Delhi, delivered a talk on ‘Campus to Corporate’ to the students of MBA Final & First year.
- On October 18, 2014, Dr. M. Mohibul Haque, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Aligarh Muslim University, India delivered a lecture on ‘Role of Media in Democracy' to the students of MBA Final and First Year.
- On September 01, 2014, Mr. Faridoon Shahryar, Content Head, Broadband, Bollywoodhungama.com, delivered a ‘Career Talk on Communication and Networking Skills’ to the students of MBA Final & First year.
- On November 09, 2013, Prof. Kazi F. Jalal, a distinguished Faculty of Harvard University, USA delivered a talk on 'Sustainable Development: Where Are We Heading To?’
- On September 21, 2012, Mr. Rajshekar Krishnan, Head, Leadership Development and Learning Integration India/South Asia, IBM India Pvt. Ltd. delivered a ‘Career Talk’ to the students of MBA Final and First Year.
- On August 24, 2012, Mr. Salman Salim, Marketing Manager, North & West India, “The Chopras”, the sole provider of Kaplan products & services in India, delivered a ‘Career Talk’ to the students of MBA Final & First year.
- On March 23, 2012, Col. Jagrup Singh, Group Testing Officer (G.T.O.), delivered a talk on 'Service Selection Board to Select the Officers in Indian Armed Forces'.
- On February 18, 2012, Prof. Kazi F. Jalal, a distinguished Faculty of Harvard University, USA delivered a talk on 'Corporate Sustainability:Principles & Practice' .
- On February 9, 2012, Mr. Fazil Raza delivered a lecture on 'Emotions Management'.
- On February 26, 2011, Prof. Brijesh Chandra Gautam, Ex-Managing Director, Rajasthan Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Jaipur (a Govt. of India Enterprise), delivered a lecture on ‘Promoting Entrepreneurship’ to MBA Final and First year students.
- On October 23, 2010, a talk on ‘Managing Different Generations-An HR Strategy’ was delivered by Prof. M. Israrul Haque, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Studies & Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
- On September 25, 2010, a lecture on ‘General Management’ was delivered by Mr. T.S. Rajput, DGM, National Small Scale Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC), Aligarh.
- On March 18 & 19, 2010, Prof. Satyajit Majumdar, T.A. Pai Management Institute, Manipal, Karnataka, conducted a two day session for students on ‘Career Planning, Time Management and Entrepreneurship’.
- On March 05, 2010, Mr. Asim Arun, IPS, DIG, Gorakhpur addressed the students on ‘Challenges and Opportunities Facing Students’.
- On February 13, 2010, Dr. M. Ashique Ibrahimi, IAS, Managing Director, National Cottage Industries Corporation, Govt. of India, New Delhi, delivered a lecture on Management related issues.
- Mr. Rizwanur Rahman, Deputy General Manager, Power Finance Corporation Ltd., delivered lectures on ‘Managerial Issues in Power Sector’ and ‘Expectations of India from upcoming MBA Professionals’.
- Mr. Arvind Singhatiya from Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry, New Delhi, delivered a lecture on ‘Global Financial Crisis and Strategies Ahead’.
- Mr. Asimur Rahman, Research Manager, Drive (a subsidiary of Dentsu), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia interacted with the students on ‘Job Avenues in Advertising Industry for MBAs’.
- Prof. Javaid Akhtar, Dean, Faculty of Management Studies and Research, AMU, Aligarh delivered a lecture on ‘Application of Financial Management in 21st century’.
- Mr. Tarun Sharma delivered a lecture for students on ‘Career Guidance & Neuro-Linguistuic Programming’.
- Prof. Saiyadain Mirza, an eminent faculty, delivered a lecture on ‘HRM & OB’.
- Prof. Parvaiz Talib, Department of Business Administration, AMU Aligarh enlightened students on ‘Personality Development’
- Mr. Farooq Ahmad, Director, Global Information Technology, U.S.A. interacted with the students on ‘Information Technology- Application to Business’.
- Mr. M. M. Khan, Consultant & Ex-General Manager, HINDALCO-Renusagar, Aditya Birla Group delivered a talk on ‘Tips for Success in Job Interviews and Workplace’.