FDPs / Workshops
- Noted author, leadership coach and motivational speaker Mr. Mirza Yawar Baig conducted an FDP session on 'Secrets of Success' for the faculty members of Al-Barkaat Educational Institutions on November 6, 2018. Mr. Mirza Yawar Baig was welcomed by Dr. FU Siddiqui, Coordinator, ABEIs. All the faculty members enthusiastically attended the session. Mr. Yawar Baig inspired the faculty members to develop a habit of reading at least one new book per month in order to develop expertise in the functional area. Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, ABIMS gave vote of thanks.
On April 20, 2018 a Faculty Development Programme was organized by the Institute where faculty members of Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies (ABIMS), Al-Barkaat College of Graduate Studies (ABCGS) and Al-Barkaat Institute of Education (ABIE) participated. The FDP was conducted by Mr. Imran Khan, Founder & Chief Trainer, Carving Futures, Mumbai. The most interesting feature of this FDP was the extensive application of management games. All the faculty members participated enthusiastically and committed to apply the insights and learning gained during the session in their class rooms. The Director, ABIMS welcomed and felicitated the guest.
- A 6-Day (August 08-14, 2017) Training Programme on “Academic Leadership” was conducted by the Centre for Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM), AMU (under the Scheme of PMMMNMTT, HRD Ministry, GOI). The Training programme was organized by Al-Barkaat Educational Society in Convention Hall, ABIMS. The participants represented various government and self-financed Colleges/Institutions/ Universities from Aligarh and neighboring areas including faculty members of ABIMS, ABIE and ABCGS. The Programme closed with a Valedictory Session where Prof. M. Muzammil, the former Vice Chancellor of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra was the Chief Guest. During the training programme the participants got enough opportunities to evaluate, identify & chalk out their developmental pathways to emerge more effective and efficient leaders in personal, family, academic/professional & social spheres.
- During May 24-31, 2016, FDP cum workshop on Human Values and Professional Ethics was organized by Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (formerly UP Technical University), Lukhnow at Hindustan College of Science and Technology, Mathura, U.P. which was attended by Mr. Faiz e Nabi, faculty ABIMS.
- During May 09-15, 2016, a short term course on Academic Leadership was organized by Center of Academic Leadership and Education Management, under the scheme of Pandit Madam Mohan Malviya National Misssion on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT, MHRD), Govt. of India. Prof. Parvaiz Talib (Dept. of Business Administration, AMU) along with Prof. Asim Siddiqui (Dept. of English, AMU), Dr. Ahmad Faraz (Regional Cordinator, Manappat Foundation, Aligarh), Mr. Saad Hameed (TPO, AMU), Dr. Rakesh Suri (President, Computer Shiksha, Haryana), Prof. Shahid Farooq (Dept. of Geology, AMU) and Dr. Rakesh Mudgil (Vice-Chancellor, TMU) conducted the workshop. All the faculty members from ABIMS, ABCGS, ABIE attended the workshop.
- From December 29, 2015 to January 04, 2016, a short term course on Data Analysis/SPSS & MINITAB was conducted by UGC-HRDC (CALEM) under the scheme of Pandit Madam Mohan Malviya National Misssion on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT, MHRD), Govt. of India, at Department of Statistics, AMU. Dr. Faraz Ahmad, Dr. Shahfaraz Khan and Mr. Babar Mushtaq attended the workshop.
- On December 10, 2014, A Symposium on 'Human Rights: Preservation & Violation' was organised by Al-Barkaat Institute of Education at ABIMS, in collaboration with the People's Union for Civil Liberties, Aligarh on the occasion of International Human Rights Day where the Chief Guest was Mr. Zafar Alam, Assistant Commandant, RAF and on this occcasion thoughtful and inspiring talks were delivered by Prof. Salahuddin Qureshi, Ex-Chairman, Department of Geography, AMU; Prof. Shakeel Samdani, Department of Law, AMU; Prof. Sameena Khan, Department of English, AMU and Dr. M. Mohibul Haque, General Secretary, PUCL, Aligarh which were attended by the faculty members of ABIMS.
- On March 28, 2012, Mr. Rajshekar Krishnan, Head, Leadership Development and Learning Integration India/South Asia, IBM India Pvt. Ltd. delivered a talk on 'Leadership & Quality of Leadership' for the faculty members of ABIMS.
- As a follow up to the FDP held on August 9-10, 2011 an FDP was conducted on August 5-6, 2011 on 'Excellence in Teaching, Research & Knowledge Creation' by Prof. Satyajit Majumdar, School of Management & Labour Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.
- As a follow-up to the Faculty Development Program organized on August 5, 2010, an FDP was organized on January 18, 2011 where the resource person Mr. Prashant Tripathi, Director, Advait Life Education Pvt. Ltd., Noida, dwelt upon issues like learning, excellence and teaching pedagogy.
- On August 09 & 10, 2010, a two day Faculty Development Programme on 'Excellence in Teaching & Research and Knowledge Creation' was conducted by Prof. Satyajit Majumdar, School of Management and Labour Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.
- On August 05, 2010, one day Orientation Programme on 'Teaching Pedagogy' for faculty members was conducted by Mr. Prashant Tripathi, Director, M/s Advait Life Education (P) Ltd., Noida.
- On March 18 & 19, 2010, the Institute organized FDP on the topic ‘Case Teaching and Writing Methodology’ for the benefit and development of the faculty members. The session was conducted by Prof. (Dr) Satyajit Majumdar from T.A. Pai Management Institute, Manipal, Karnataka. This FDP was a follow-up programme on the same topic held in February 2009.
- On February 1-4, 2010, an FDP was organized by the Institute on ‘Research Methodology’ for its faculty members inviting Prof. K. N. Murty, Department of Economics, University of Hyderabad as its resource person.
- In association with UPTU, Lucknow, a one day Workshop on ‘Human Values and Professional Ethics’ was organized by the Institute on February 6, 2010 for the faculty members of all 12 UPTU affiliated Institutes/Colleges situated in and around Aligarh. Mr. Rajul Asthana, ex-Vice President and Global Training Incharge, Satyam Computer Services Pvt. Ltd was the resource person. Mr. Asthana highlighted the role of ethics in management.
- On Aug. 08, 2009, an Interactive Session with faculty members on 'Human Values & Professional Ethics' was organized inviting Dr. Balvir Talwar, Additional G.M., BHEL, New Delhi.
- On Feb, 21 & 22, 2009, the Institute organized FDP on the topic 'Case Teaching and Writing Methodology'. The session was conducted by Prof. (Dr.) Satyajit Majumdar from T.A.Pai Management Institute, Manipal, Karnataka as its resource person.
- From October 4-8, 2008, an FDP on ‘Quantitative Techniques and Computer Applications’ was held. The FDP was conducted by Prof. Shahid Ashraf, Department of Economics, JMI, Dr. Mirza Allim Baig, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, JMI and Dr. Satyendra Kumar, Sr. Documentation Officer , JNU.