Events - 2015
Successful Placement in Ceasefire Industries Limited
Senior Executives from Ceasefire Industries Limited, a leading fire safety services & equipment manufacturing company visited Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies on January 23, 2015 and gave a comprehensive presentation apprising the students about their company. This was followed by a question-answer session that held students clear their doubts about the company. Interested students then participated in a group discussion and interview. Two students, Mr. Gohar Zahid Siddiqui & Mr. Yahia Ahmed Laskar, were finally placed at an attractive package in the company. Dr. Ahmad Mujtaba Siddiqui, Joint Secretary, ABES, Dr. F.U. Siddiqui, Coordinator, ABEIs, Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, ABIMS and the faculty members congratulated the students and wished them luck in their future endeavors.
A Sports & Cultural fest, Verve - 2015 was organized jointly by Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies and Al-Barkaat College of Graduate Studies from February 18 - 21, 2015. In the Opening Ceremony, the Chief Guest Mr. Ajay Kumar Tomar, Unit Head, Danik Jagran, Aligarh, stressed on the importance of Sports & Cultural Activities in one's life. Events like Carom, Tug of War, Football, Volleyball, Badminton, Chess, Cricket, Extempore, Ad-Mad Show, Play, Naat, Mobile Movie and Business & Computer Quiz etc. formed the impressive line-up. In the glittering Closing Ceremony on February 21, 2015, the Chief Guest, Prof. F.S. Sherani, A.K. Tibbiya College, AMU admired the spirit of the students and hoped that such activities will continue in future too. Prof. S.M. Amin, President, Al-Barkaat Educational Society, expressed satisfaction at the successful conclusion of the grand fest. He appreciated the efforts of the students for taking initiatives in organizing such events and was happy at the whole-hearted participation of the students. Dr. Ahmad Mujtaba Siddiqui, Joint Secretary, Al-Barkaat Educational Society urged the students to develop their overall personality and cultivate their hidden talent. He congratulated the prize winners and asked the other students not to lose hope. Dr. F.U. Siddiqui, Coordinator, Al-Barkaat Educational Institutions & Principal, Al-Barkaat College of Graduate Studies, proposed the vote of thanks. On this occasion, Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies, heads of Departments of other sister Institutions & Faculty Members and students were present.
Guest Lecture by Dr. Arshi Khan
Dr. Arshi Khan, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Aligarh Muslim University delivered a lecture on the topic "Understanding Islam in the light of modern scholars." Dr. Arshi lamented the negative portrayal of Islam in the mainstream media. He said that Islam is a religion of peace and non- violence. According to him, his own research has led him to believe that their is absolutely no scope of force and compulsion in Islam. Regrettably, some eminent scholars' ambiguity in this respect has led to confusion in this regard. The lecture was followed by an absorbing Question-Answer session. On this occasion Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, Al Barkaat Institute of Management Studies, faculty members and students were present.
Guest Lecture by Ms. Zoya Khan
Ms. Zoya Khan, HR Consultant, New Delhi delivered a lecture on "Enhancement of skills and job prospects for fresh MBA Graduates". She emphasized the importance of communication skills and skill development in today's competitive business world. She was of the view that a large percentage of today's business graduates lack employability skills. She asked the students to develop their personality and aim high. The lecture was followed by an intensive Question-Answer session. On this occasion, Dr. F.U. Siddiqui, Coordinator, Al-Barkaat Educational Institutions & Principal, Al-Barkaat College of Graduate Studies; Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, Al Barkaat Institute of Management Studies, faculty members and students were present.
Guest Lecture by Mr. T.S. Rajput
A Lecture on Entrepreneurship Development was delivered by Mr. T.S. Rajput, Deputy General Manager, National Small Scale Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC), Aligarh on March 7, 2015. Mr. Rajput tried to ignite the fire of entrepreneurship among the students and encouraged them to look at it as a viable career option. He gave the students valuable insights and narrated interesting anecdotes from the field of entrepreneurship. The students were enriched by his vast experience and knowledge. While welcoming the guest and addressing the students, Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director encouraged them to see bigger dreams in life and make genuine efforts to fulfill them. On this occasion all the faculty members were also present.
Farewell party under the name “Uftaad” was organized by the MBA First year students for the Final year on April 21, 2015. It was a fun filled afternoon with exciting performances like mimicry, singing and skits by the students which lifted the mood of one and all. Mr. Gohar Zahid Siddiqui and Ms. Tooba Aijaz were adjudged Mr. Farewell and Miss Farewell respectively. Mr. Fahad Afzal and Ms. Samina Pasha were awarded the titles of Mr. Evening and Miss Evening respectively. The program was followed by a sumptuous and scrumptious lunch. Prof. S.M. Amin, President, Al-Barkaat Educational Society, Dr. Ahmad Mujtaba Siddiqui, Joint Secretary, Al-Barkaat Educational Society, Dr. F.U. Siddiqui, Coordinator, Al-Barkaat Educational Institutions & Principal, Al-Barkaat College of Graduate Studies; Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, ABIMS, Dr. Samina Fazli, Principal, Al-Barkaat Institute of Education along with the faculty members were also present on the occasion.
Industrial Visits
An Industrial Visit-cum-Excurssion was organized for the MBA final year Students to Nainital. The students went on a plant visit to Anchal Dairy, Haldwani where they were given a tour of the different facilities. From there, they went to Nainital, a trip that gave them a welcome respite from the rigors of the academic routine. Four Faculty Members also accompanied the students. The first year students went to C&S Electric Ltd., Greater Noida and Hamdard Laboratories, Manesar.
Word Environment Day
On this occasion, a symposium on "Role of Afforestation in Stabilization of Climate" was organized on June 5, 2015. The Chief Guest, Dr. Balkar Singh, District Magistrate, Aligarh said that we should plant more and more trees. Former Vice Chancellor, Satna University, Dr. Ashok Kumar insisted on the importance of forest protection. Dr. M. Mohibul Haque, Assistant Professor Department of Political Science AMU, Aligarh was of the view that the police can not be expected to protect the trees, it is the common man that has to do it. Dr. Ahmad Mujtaba Siddiqui, Joint Secretary, Al-Barkaat Educational Society, Aligarh stressed on the adoption of sustainable development for the sake of future generations. Environmentalist Subodh Nandan Sharma was felicitated on this occasion. A play on Climate balance was also presented by artistes from Allahabad. On this occasion, Mr. Alok Kumar Srivastave, Mr. D.P. Gupta, Dr. F.U. Siddiqui, Coordinator, Al-Barkaat Educational Institutions, Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies & all other departmental heads, faculty members and students were present.
Workshop on Entrepreneurship
A Workshop on Entrepreneurship was conducted jointly by Amar Ujala and Gillette India Ltd on September 3, 2015. The resource person, Ms. Shalini acquainted the students with the finer aspects of entrepreneurship and familiarized them with the skills required to become a successful entrepreneur. On this occasion Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, ABIMS, Faculty members and students of MBA final and first year were present.
Students of MBA Final year organized 'Milan 2015', an interactive session for the MBA First year students on October 7, 2015. Milan 2015 provided a pedestal for healthy interaction between the first and final year students. It was an ice breaking session to develop camaraderie between them. The program was conducted in the presence of faculty members.
Guest Lecture by M/s Godani Bansal & Co.
A Guest Lecture was organized on "Accounting & Career Counseling in the Field of Accounts" on October 13, 2015 by M/s Godani Bansal & Co . Mr. Mohit Bansal discussed the nuances of finance and accounting. He also emphasized on the importance of solid fundamental and clear concepts. Mr. Prabal Godani gave valuble tips to the students on resume building. He also described the ways of charting one’s career path in a systematic manner. On this occasion Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies, Aligarh, faculty members and students of MBA and BBA were present.
MBA Final year students extended a warm welcome to their juniors by organizing a Freshers' Party on October 21, 2015 under the name "Falak". With kind wishes dipped in lyrical ink, they compared the arrival of the Freshers with the stars shining in the firmament of ABIMS – where a plethora of opportunities await them, ready to be explored. The event was filled with fun and gaiety with electrifying performances pouring in like mimicry, singing and skits by the students. Ms. Fauzia Rukhsar and Mr. Amir Zia were adjudged Miss Fresher and Mr. Fresher respectively while Ms. Hera Ayub was awarded the title of Miss Evening and Mr. Tahir Mohammad Siddiqui, Mr. Evening. On this occasion, Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director, ABIMS and faculty members were present. The program was followed by a sumptuous and scrumptious Lunch.
Guest Lecture by Ms. S.M.S. Nalini
A workshop on Entrepreneurship Development was conducted by Ms. S.M.S. Nalini, Chief General Manager, National Small Scale Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC), Aligarh on October 28, 2015. Ms. Nalini tried to ignite the fire of entrepreneurship among the students and encouraged them to look at it as a viable career option. She gave the students valuable insights and narrated interesting anecdotes from the field of entrepreneurship. The students were enriched by her vast experience and knowledge. While welcoming the guest and addressing the students, Dr. Waseem Ahmad, Director encouraged them to see bigger dreams in life and make genuine efforts to fulfill them. On this occasion, all the faculty members were also present.