Jashn-e-Milad un Nabi Celebration (06 October 2022)

As these days MBA students were not available in campus, today afternoon jointly with ABSHCC, NCPUL and S. M. Afzal ViVO Institute we, ABIMS have celebrated the Jashan- e- Milad un Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in ABIMS Conference Hall where following programmes were organized-
(1) Anchoring by Mr. Mubashshir (CABA-MDTP, NCPUL student)
2. Recitation of Holy Qura'an by Mr. Abdul Qadir (from S. M. Afzal VIVO Instt.)
Speeches delivered by-
1. Maulana Bilal Fani on ' The life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)'
2. Maulana Noman Azhari on 'How to be an Ideal Muslim in the light of Seerah'
Naat by the following students-
1. Mr. Mohd. Furqan & Mr. Mohd. Shadab (from ABSHCC)
2. Mr. Mohd. Tabish (from S. M. Afzal VIVO Instt.)
3. Mr. Furqan & Mr. Rehbar (from NCPUL)
All the male students of ABSHCC, NCPUL and S. M. Afzal VIVO Instt. and their faculty members & other staff alogwith ABIMS faculty members & other staff attended the programme.