Orientation Programme (27 October 2022)

We had organized today the Orientation Programme for MBA freshers of batch 2022-24.There were about 80 students present in the programme. It was basically an Introductory program where the faculty members introduced themselves with the subject/s they will be teaching and Director's address followed by students' one by one brief introduction. And thereafter, there was a ppt presentation given by a senior faculty member on the introduction of MBA Program, why to do MBA from ABIMS, semesterwise syllabus, subjects' specialization in final year, conduction of co-curricular activities at ABIMS, the infrastructure & other facilities available in ABIMS/ ABES, etc. There was a separate ppt presentation given by the TPO also on training & placement related activities in ABIMS followed by some motivational videos. They were also given the Students' Code of Conduct and made aware of Al-Barkaat rules & regulations to be followed by them in campus. It was concluded with some Management Games performed/ played by the students. After it was concluded, a group photograph of students was taken.