FRESHER'S PARTY-2019 'Aaghaz-e-Safar' (01 October 2019)

The Students of MBA Final year arranged and organized a grand Fresher's party for MBA First year students in the name and title of ‘Aaghaz-e-Safar’ on October 01, 2019. Ibtisam Maryam, Mohd. Shahed, Pankuri Agarwal & Mohd. Osama Khan bagged Ms. Fresher, Mr. Fresher, Ms. Evening and Mr. Evening titles respectively. Seniors as well as juniors displayed and demonstrated their talents through various cultural activities like solo and group songs which were highly appreciated by the audience. Arshi Khan, Haris Amir Siddiqui, Zubair Ahmad, Mohd. Bilal, Lubna Aijaz, Anam Parvez, Mohd. Arif, Mantasha Salim etc conducted the programme. The event ended with the National Anthem. During the event Dr. F.U. Siddiqui, Coordinator, Al-Barkaat Educational Institutions addressed the students and praised them for beautiful arrangements made. Director, ABIMS, Faculty and staff members were also present during the occasion.
::Mohd Zubair